In my last post, I told the quick story of how I came to write a blurb for his latest venture, the novel Atlas Hugged. After I read AH, I sent David a quick review (which he turned into the blurb), but I also sent a longer paper asking about some of the deep philosophical issues he discusses in the novel. David welcomed the analysis and asked if we could discuss it in public, so we're doing that using the exciting platform. If you haven't used that yet, it's a way for people to share 1-on-1 conversations where each letter is limited to 1,000 words, and anyone can subscribe to the conversation to follow along. It's a bit like getting access to the email exchanges between people you would love to hear talking to one another. Here are just a few of the other conversations that I've enjoyed:
- Noam Chomsky and Lawrence Krauss talking about Trump
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Sarah Haider talking about culture wars
- Dan Dennett and Alex Rosenberg talking about purpose
- David Sloan Wilson and Massimo Pigliucci talking about cultural evolution
And now I'm about halfway through my own conversation with David Sloan Wilson. You can quickly subscribe using any of the usual social media logins to make sure you don't miss any of the exchange. Go check it out!