Applying the Evolutionary Philosophy Worldview
A worldview is essentially a theory about the way the world works. Like all good theories, they form the basis of our beliefs. But we must also use them to form hypotheses and test them against experience. When these tests are confirmed, we act with confidence. When they are shown to be faulty, we must revise them or we will be doomed to repeated failures and disappointments.
Usually, our worldviews contain many unconscious or unexamined elements. They get shaped by a mixture of parenting, friendships, personal interactions, social institutions, and influences from the wider culture. Through the first 40 years of my life, this was the way my own worldview was shaped (with perhaps a bit more exploration and introspection than your average guy). But back in 2012, I began my philosophical writing career by trying to crystallise my worldview so it could be stated explicitly and exposed to deeper analysis by myself and others. That project produced four items:
As I said above, worldviews must continue to adapt. And over the next few years I blogged about everything in these four items, which exposed the ideas to a wider audience and helped expand and alter my thinking. I published essays on other sites, magazine articles, and peer-reviewed papers to keep pushing my worldview to adapt and survive. From March 2015 until November 2017, I sought out the hardest tests for worldviews that the best thinkers in history have devised when I wrote about 100 philosophical thought experiments. That last project in particular helped shape my worldview into the form I now use to present it on this website. But that doesn't mean it has hardened into place. Chime in and help it keep evolving! |
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© 2012 Ed Gibney